Coaches Competition Workshop

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Coaches Competition Workshop is being held at Taunton Tennis Centre on Tuesday, 24th May 2011 from midday to 3 pm.  The cost of the course is £8 and attendees will receive 3 license points.

This 3 hour course trains and updates coaches, coaching assistants and competition organisers on some areas including the role of the coach, competition structure and competition within the coaching programme.

The objectives of the Coach CPD are:

  • Ensure coaches understand the benefits of competition and how they can get involved
  • Ensure coaches are updated on key areas of competitions
  • Equip coaches to understand what is a high quality competitions
  • Equip coaches to deliver competitions in their club especially as part of their coaching programme 

Important Information

All participants will be provided (hard copy or PDF) with a resource on competition in the coaching programme which is included in the cost of the course.

If you would like to attend or have any queries, please e-mail or phone 01202 519694.



Somerset Lawn Tennis Association
c/o The West Hants Club
Roslin Road South
Bournemouth BH3 7EF
01202 519694