Now Open For Entries Aegon Clay Courts Championships 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013

The Aegon Clay Court Championships is dubbed the ‘Spring Nationals’ as it is the only other junior Grade 1 competition in the summer season for the 14&U and 12&U age groups. Find out more details on the Clay Court Championships, including the Regulations, prizes and much more.

The Aegon Clay Court Championships sees the top 12U & 14U players from across Great Britain, come together to battle it out on American Clay at the picturesque Queenswood School.

Last Year Winners

12U Boys Singles - Brandon Drew (Middlesex)

12U Girls Singles - Claudia Hallsworth (Avon)

14U Boys Singles - Sam Ferguson (Derbyshire)

14U Girls Singles - Sophie Drakeford-Lewis (Berkshire)

12U Boys Doubles - Oshi Leverton (Cornwall) & Finn Bass (Hertfordshire)

12U Girls Doubles - Donia Abdel-Aziz (Durham & Cleveland) & Maria Budin (Avon)

14U Boys Doubles - Vincent Gillespie (North of Scotland) & Calum Macgeoch (North of Scotland)

14U Girls Doubles - Eden Richardson (Cheshire) & Georgia Lawson (Nottingham)

Aegon Clay Courts Championships 2013 have now opened for entries. Please enter online through the LTA competition search using code HOC13S100.

 Closing date is 2pm 26th April 2013

Enter online now



Suffolk LTA
Ipswich Sports Club
Henley Road
Ipswich IP1 4NJ
01473 251144