Tennis Gets Festive At Writhlington TC

Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas came to the Writhlington Tennis Centre last week with a tennis party for the under 10’s.

40 children aged 5 years to 10 years took part in team tennis, this is when children play matches, games and tennis related activities to gain points for their team.

Said Mandy Stonier, Tennis Development Officer  ‘the children were great today, it was pretty cold in the centre, so we went into the main sports centre half way through and into the dojo, for the children to have a go on the sports walls to warm up and add points to their teams – great fun...!’

The 8 teams were ably led by the young coaching assistants and tennis leaders eventual winners were Team Shepherds led by Siddhartha Lethbridge .

The junior tennis programme is re starting again in the New Year, if you are interested in playing please contact Writhlington Sports Centre reception on 01761-438559 or visit our website



Avon LTA
c/o Coombe Dingle Sports Complex
Coombe Lane
Bristol BS9 2BJ
07479 260615