Suffolk LTA Autumn Cluster Meetings

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Suffolk Lawn Tennis Association

Invites you to the

Autumn 2013 Group Cluster Meetings

To be held on the following dates and venues

Thursday 26th September 7.30PM – The Angel Hotel, Halesworth IP19 8HA

Monday 30th September  7.30PM – Risbygate Tennis Club, Bury St Edmunds

Thursday 3rd October 7.30PM– Rushmere Golf Club, Rushmere Heath, Ipswich IP4 5QQ

As some clubs experienced difficulty in attending the cluster meeting assigned to their area, this year to make it easier, your club is invited to attend any of the venues.

It is also our intention go have a rep. from both Suffolk Schools Tennis Association and Suffolk Sport at all three meetings.

As this is your meeting, if you would like to have anything included in AOB on the attached agenda, could you please let me know to enable me to circulate it in advance.

I should be grateful if you could let me know which venue you wish to attend, as we hope to make it a more interactive meeting to enable clubs to share experiences and best practice.

I look forward to seeing you at the meetings, lets all benefit from Andy Murray winning Wimbledon!!!!!

Kind Regards

Julia Waters

Vice Chair Suffolk LTA, Cluster Group Project Leader




Suffolk LTA
Ipswich Sports Club
Henley Road
Ipswich IP1 4NJ
01473 251144