Looking for a league near Ipswich?

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Do you live in the Ipswich area and want to play competitive matches at a time that suits you? 

If yes please check out http://www.localtennisleagues.com/ipswich an online singles box league. The online league provides players of all abilities with the chance to compete in singles matches on local courts at a time convenient to them. This league is an ideal way to meet new people, to play and to become a better player. The league is open to both men and women aged 18 and over. All standards are welcome, from beginners to advanced, but players are graded into groups based on their level.

-          Players arrange their own matches at a time that suits them. 

-          Matches are the best of three tie break sets (allow 2 hours per match).

-          The entry is £12 (£10 students).

-          You have 8 weeks to play a maximum of 7 matches.

-          Winners of each group win £20.

-          Everyone who completes three matches by the half-way point is sent a FREE can of tennis balls.

-          At the end of each round, winners go up (where possible), losers go down and it re-starts with a new round.

If you would like to play, you can JOIN NOW by emailing: ipswichtennis@gmail.com



Suffolk LTA
Ipswich Sports Club
Henley Road
Ipswich IP1 4NJ
01473 251144