Club Forum: 18th March

Friday, March 07, 2014

If you haven’t already signed up for this forum please do so now.  Don’t miss the chance to gain help and financial support to grow your club membership.

Most of you who responded to the Suffolk Club Survey in November 2013 said that growing your membership was your top priority.   As a result, we ran a Grow Your Club seminar in January. The Club Forum which we are holding on 18 March (you were recently sent details about this) is a great opportunity to build on this and help you put ideas into practice by taking part in the LTA national initiative of the Great British Tennis Weekend.   This is a great opportunity for you to attract new members to your club.

The agenda for the Club Forum is given below but in summary, as well as receiving a brief update about national initiatives that will really benefit clubs, the purpose of the meeting is to bring together all clubs who intend to be involved with the Great British Tennis Weekend.  For any clubs who have not registered as yet it is not too late to do so. The registration deadline is 18 March 2014 at the Club Forum meeting.

For those not aware of the initiative, the purpose of the Great British Tennis Weekend is to hold a series of events on a national basis on four weekends this summer.   Clubs can organise ‘Open Days’ or hold other events in their clubs with the aim of getting more people to play tennis.  Suffolk LTA will support participating clubs through a county wide publicity campaign to support the LTA national effort and through financial support.

As a help to clubs to pay for ‘Open Day’ publicity material, extra coach time or equipment, we will give each club £100 as a contribution to its costs. To qualify for this money, clubs must be represented at the Club Forum on 18 March 2014. Each club present at the Forum will receive a first instalment of £25. The remaining £75 will be paid by SLTA, two weeks after the relevant Great British Tennis Weekend event on receipt of the club’s feedback on the event and the initial impact it has had.  More details on the feedback process will be given at the Club Forum.  If you attend the forum you will also receive a really clear and helpful LTA ‘How To’ guide (in booklet form) on ‘Running And Promoting an Amazing Open Day’ that gives step by step guidance on what to do before, during and after the event.

 The outline agenda for the Club Forum is:

1. Update on National Initiatives

  • Clubmark
  • Club Management IT Tools
  • Great British Tennis Weekend

2. Great British Tennis Weekend – What we (and you) will do in Suffolk

3. Using Social Media to support your club

We look forward to seeing you on 18 March. This is a great opportunity for all clubs in the county to raise their membership numbers and to get more people to enjoy the game of tennis.  

To BOOK YOUR PLACE please either:


Book online: Click here   



Suffolk LTA
Ipswich Sports Club
Henley Road
Ipswich IP1 4NJ
01473 251144