Last Monday saw the Annual General Meeting of the Suffolk Lawn Tennis Association, held at the Ipswich Sports Club, Henley Road. Prior to the meeting there was a good attendance from Clubs for an LTA presentation on the recently-introduced “Wimbledon Ballot Online System”.
Mike Watling retired as Chairman of Suffolk LTA after 4 challenging years, and before being given a special presentation to mark his efforts, he commented on both the success of Cluster Group meetings and our County teams at all levels. He thanked the Council for their individual contributions and praised the team efforts to ensure that Suffolk retains its own identity.
Julia Waters was elected the new Chairman, with Mike Watling keen to carry on working for the county and unanimously elected Vice-Chairman. Ottherwise the Council was re-elected en bloc, with Steve Pilcher making a welcome return as a Council Member, representing Roundwood. Steven Law takes on the role of LTA Councillor from Peter Mornard, who stands down after 29 years.
The next Suffolk LTA Club Forum will be held on the evening of Monday 18th March at the Ipswich Sports Club. It is also hoped that there will be a session the same night on the use of “Social Media”, an area that can have great opportunities for all clubs, especially in terms of attracting and informing new members, which remains the biggest challenge these days.