LTA Performance Workshop

Thursday, October 27, 2011
Katie Swan

The latest LTA Performance Workshop took place at David Lloyd Westbury on 12th October and it was fantastic to have Alan Jones and Jo Durie for the day working with 12 year old Katie Swan from Bristol.

Alan took the South West Performance Coaches through the key areas of developing female players and Katie was used to demonstrate the exceptional skills needed to compete at the highest level.  Katie has been part of the National Performance Programme for the past 4 years and has been working with Alan and Tom Spinks for the past 12 months.

The day was a good mix of on court coaching skills and off court goal setting and planning, showing the interdisciplinary planning needed to perform as coaches at the highest level.



Avon LTA
c/o Coombe Dingle Sports Complex
Coombe Lane
Bristol BS9 2BJ
07479 260615