Flourishing Floodlit League

Friday, November 29, 2013

The Floodlit League, which is now in its 35th year, was originally set up by 6 clubs in the Felixstowe and Ipswich area to enable inter-club tennis to be played over the winter months.

With a format of 2 pairs to each side playing 2 sets against each of the opponents – the ethos of the League is to give people an opportunity to play competitive (hopefully enjoyable) tennis – win or lose. It is often a case of battling the elements during matches more than the opponents!!

Since the early days, the League has continued to flourish and grow, with a widening area of participation for clubs affiliated to SLTA. There are now 19 clubs involved in the League making up 6 Men’s Divisions (36 teams), 5 Ladies Divisions (23 teams) and 5 Mixed divisions (30 teams).

Winners of the respective Divisions for the 2012/2013 season were:

Mens: Ipswich

Ladies: Woodbridge

Mixed: Adastral Park

If any new clubs affiliated to SLTA would like to be considered for entry in the future, please contact Martyn Ward via tenniseast@lta.org.uk. There are 2 or 3 venues which will host clubs without floodlight facilities. 



Suffolk LTA
Ipswich Sports Club
Henley Road
Ipswich IP1 4NJ
01473 251144