Tennis Clubmark Award for Bath LTC

Friday, September 23, 2011
Andrew Kettle, Clive Sampson & Jo Francis-Pope

Andrew Kettle, Chairman of Bath LTC was delighted to except an LTA Clubmark plaque on behalf of the club.  Bath LTC have worked hard over the past 12 months to ensure that they meet the requirements of LTA Clubmark Accreditation.

The club have adopted and introduced many new policies and restructured the coaching programme.  The club is working closely with the local community to provide a wide range of tennis opportunities for everyone.  They are keen to continue expanding their junior and adult programmes as well as linking with local schools and university students. 

Avon LTA representative, Julie Jones, said "I am looking forward to supporting the club especially in the area of increasing participation and establishing a robust competitive programme".

Many congratulations to Bath LTC for all their hard work and efforta in gaining this award.



Avon LTA
c/o Coombe Dingle Sports Complex
Coombe Lane
Bristol BS9 2BJ
07479 260615