Sportivate deadline

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

NEW Sportivate Application Deadline Date: 25th November 2011 – just 18 days away!

LIVING SPORT are currently accepting applications that are looking to deliver a project in year 1 quarter 4 of Sportivate (January – March 2012).

LIVING SPORT is looking to work closely with National Governing Bodies, Community Clubs, Sport Centres, Local Authorities, Schools and Youth Groups. We are always actively looking for providers to support through Sportivate. Sessions must be delivered in a fun and safe environment to provide the best opportunity for the young people to continue in the sport once the six week programme has finished.

What is Sportivate?

Sportivate is part of the Play strand in Sport England’s £135 million mass participation legacy plans ‘Places, People, Play’ unveiled in November 2010. It is a four year programme funded by the National Lottery, and will run from 1st April 2011 until 31st March 2015. The overall aim of the programme is to get 300,000 ‘semi sporty’ people aged 14-25 years to complete weekly coaching sessions over the 4 years, with two in five (120,000) to carry on playing sport regularly.

A brief summary of the funding criteria can be found below:

  • Activity must target 14-25 year olds who are not participating regularly in sport
  • Activity must run for 6 weeks
  • Each session within the activity should be one hour in duration
  • Activities should match as well as generate demand
  • Participants within the sessions should be coached or led and community focused
  • Activity must lead to a local exit route or sustainable session (i.e. local sports club/participant funded continuity)
  • Activity must be a new initiative or demonstrate additional provision over current provision

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your application before submission, then please do not hesitate to contact Ross Hayward on



Hills Road Sports & Tennis Centre
Purbeck Road
01223 210111