Caunton Tennis Club had some extra special tennis assistants at their Open Day at the end of April – Marshall and Chase from Paw Patrol and also a Minion!!
The weather wasn’t brilliant, but didn’t dampen anyone’s spirits.
Around 150 people attended the event with many signing up to the trial membership of 8 weeks for £5 kids and £10 adults which includes coaching for the month of May.
If anyone wasn’t able to attend the event they can still access this by contacting
The Paw Patrol characters joined in the sessions along with many children experiencing tennis for the first time.
The bouncy castle was popular as was the super-talented face painter – all this was provided by the coaching team at Caunton, Tennis4All.
The Beat the Ball Machine and the Fastest Serve contests were well supported (won by Leon Jarvis of Southwell) and the free raffle saw a lucky winner receive a Wilson tennis racket worth £150.
Everyone enjoyed free tea/coffee and cakes up in our clubhouse which was named ‘Cafe a Caunton’.
Overall, a fantastic Open Day!!