The Qe2 Trophy is an ongoing event between Compete Tennis HPC (Essex) & Bromley Tennis Centre HPC (Kent).
On Monday 2nd April 2012, Boys & Girls in the U8 and U9 age groups had the honour of competing in this prestigious event.
Every player took part in singles and doubles, demonstrating some fantastic tennis and great team spirit.
With all the singles played, the score seemed very close, therefore, there was a lot resting on the doubles.
Bromley's U8 doubles players were looking superb and their chances of regaining the trophy were rising, but with great help from our U9 doubles players Compete Tennis went on to win 37 matches to 34 matches.
All the coaches were very pleased with the standard throughout the day and a special well done to Conrad Yip and Alex Golder who had to act for Bromley during the day.