Refurbished kitchen for Epping Lawn Tennis Club

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Epping Lawn Tennis Club are enjoying a new kitchen thanks to a grant from the Advantage Essex Scheme:

“Here's some pictures of our new kitchen as taken at the 2nd Annual Easter Tournament Epping the weekend before last. The new kitchen looks great, It makes our clubhouse look so much better, so when we ran our sanctioned tournament at the weekend we could really show off our new kitchen, we were able to offer bacon rolls and toasted sandwiches and as can be seen in the picture we had some lovely cakes. Our new kitchen makes our clubhouse look so much brighter and welcoming. We just wanted to say a big thank you for the Advantage Essex Funding from Epping Tennis Club”

Pictured are: Sophie Spall (Tennis Junior) and Jacqui Brimmer (Mum of one of the older Juniors and assistant coach). Both are regular helpers at the competition events.

Chris Bird

Epping  Lawn Tennis Club




Essex County Lawn Tennis Association
Redbridge Sports Centre
Forest Road
Barkingside IG6 3HD
020 8502 6364