Tinsel Tennis at Ongar Tennis Club!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

On Saturday 15th December, I organised 'Tinsel Tennis' at Ongar Tennis Club  which involved the children wearing something festive, decorating their racquets and playing lots of fun festive games. I organised prizes for the best decorated racquets and best dressed and gave stickers out throughout the morning. Mince pies and a hot drink were provided for the parents and Xmas music was playing in the background. We all had a great time!

Pictured above:  Vicky Mumby, Ongar Tennis Club Coach with children who took part in the Tinsel Tennis.


Vicky Mumby

Coach - Ongar Tennis Club




Essex County Lawn Tennis Association
Redbridge Sports Centre
Forest Road
Barkingside IG6 3HD
020 8502 6364