Wickford Tennis Club held a party in March to celebrate their 100th Birthday and the unveiling of their new, Tiger Turf, courts.
The event featured The Mayor Of Basildon, Mo Larkin, presenting a plaque from Veolia to the club. Veolia (a Recycling & Waste Management company) donated almost half the money required for the laying of the courts.
President of Essex LTA, John Tucker was in attendance. John presented an award to long standing member, Pat Baker. Pat has been a club member for over 55 years!
The club was also honoured by the presence of the LTA's commercial Director, Simon Long. Simon presented former Club Secretary, Sandra Ellis, with a gift, the club thanking Sandra for over 30 years of committee work.
Simon Long said afterwards "I have so much admiration for what you and the Wickford Tennis Club family have achieved. The tennis scene on these shores is a much better place thanks to you!"
Organiser Stewart Clark said 'The event was everything I hoped it would be. A fantastic turn out'